Saturday, May 19, 2012

A New Life

There have been so many changes happening in our life. We have officially lived in Louisiana a year and 3 days. We have been preparing for the new baby and moving and our mothers coming down to stay with us. It's been fun and a little hectic.

When I was pregnant with Analie, I struggled with kidney stones. They were awful and there was no way I could have handled them on my own, so I'm so glad I was home with my family with her. With this pregnancy I have had SPD (kills my hips) and gall stones. Only slightly worse than kidney stones. They make me feel like I'm going to die. So when Jeremiah's mom could come out earlier and help I was so pleased. She has really been a blessing and has kept me and Ana sane through the last few weeks before the baby came.

My last episode with gallstones happened on Monday the 14th. I had to take a ride in the ambulence because there was no way I could have traveled without pain killers and being laid on a bed. I was passing out and throwing up and scaring my poor mother in law.  When I got to the hospital (second time I had been hospitalized for them in two weeks), they gave me an ultrasound and found the stones. They wanted me to induce that day, but since I wanted an unmedicated-as-possible labor and I knew I was way too tired to labor without meds, I begged them to wait.  My docotor agreed and said I could come in at 3 am on wednesday morning. I wasn't thrilled about an induction before my actual due date, but I also knew I couldn't have another attack with gallstones while I was pregnant so I agreed.

I rested up on Tuesday and had a fun evening with the family. We went out to eat and got some snacks for Jeremiah at Target. I was nervous for being inducted, so I prayed the whole time I would just go into labor. I didn't start while we were out.

But God is faithful, and when I woke up at 2:30 am to head into the hospital I realized my water had broken and i was leaking. I got all my stuff, said goodbye to Analie, and headed out to the car and contractions started. By the time we left the gate my contractions were four minutes apart.

I got to the ER to check in for my induction and found out I forgot my paperwork. The receptionist called up and got it. When she got back she realized I was actually in labor. They called a guy to wheel me up to the labor room.

With Analie, I was really encouraged to change positions and move around as I wanted. Here, I was made to lay on the bed the whole time. The baby had dropped nearly three weeks ago, so I felt a TON of pressure and at about 5 he dropped a final time and it was all I could do to keep my body from pushing.

My doctor came in at 6 and everyone rushed around getting me ready to push. I was in so much pain, I couldn't get behind my contractions to push. So it took one push that I kind of faked because they were all telling me to, but I wasn't in sync with the contraction yet. Then I pushed once for real, a second time and they told me to stop while he crowned, pushed again and was told to stop again because the cord was wrapped twice around his neck.  They snipped it and my body couldn't not push him out and so it did and he was out.

It was so painful, but Jeremiah was a good coach and a short labor. He was pretty big, 9 lbs exactly, 21 1/4 inches long.

The baby was so beautiful and Jeremiah followed him down to the nursery for some tests. We had to stay at the hospital for two days. We named him a few hours before we were discharged. I was hoping for the name Elijah, but ultimately gave into Jeremiah's favorite name: Aaron. We had decided the moment we found out it was a boy his middle name would be Danger.  He is the most beautiful baby boy.  His sister is smitten and they are already best buddies.

He is nursing a lot better than Analie ever did, and so that is encouraging.

Overall it was a wonderful experience and even though I was really nervous to do it in LA away from family and friends and the healthcare I'm used to, it was good.

1 comment:

  1. Karris that is a beautiful birth story! I am so glad that God is faithful. I was praying for a natural delivery for you and I am so thrilled to hear that you went into labor on your own. Love to you all and I can't wait to meet him in person.
